NIFT PREPARATION: Best Books For NIFT 2024 Examination
Beginning your NIFT 2024 exam preparation with the best available books: It is because quality study materials are current, clearly explain the concepts, won’t be confusing or veer off course, and have few to no errors. On the other hand, if you become entangled in unfavourable books, you will end up wasting a tremendous amount of time and effort in vain. So, we’ve put together a list of the top NIFT 2024 study guides here. Make them a part of your preparation strategy, and you won’t have any trouble passing NIFT 2024.
But first, let’s take a moment to understand the NIFT 2024 exam structure before deciding which book is the best for NIFT exam preparation.
Two rounds of the NIFT 2024 entrance exam are held:
Round I: The CAT and GAT written exams are combined in this round. Candidates for the B.Des. and M.Des. degrees must take the CAT and GAT. Candidates for the B.F.Tech., M.F.Tech., and M.F.M. programmes must only take the GAT.
Candidates who advanced to Phase II must participate in this round. Candidates for the B.Des programme take a situational test. Candidates for postgraduate programmes must participate in a group discussion or an individual interview (GDPI).
There will be no Round II for B.F.Tech. applicants; instead, admission decisions will be made solely on the basis of GAT results.
NIFT 2024 Study Material( Subject-wise Books)
Current Affairs and GK Book – TCDA Books
Read the Hindu and the Times of India.
What to read: skim through the headlines and pay attention to what is happening on a national and international scale. Pick an editorial or opinion piece and practise 10–20 new words every day.
Keep a notepad; use it as a store for all of your knowledge; it will be useful for quick review.
MathsBook: NIFT TCDA Why:
- It covers the entire math portion needed for NIFT 2024.
- However, if you want to do additional reading, then opt for RS Aggarwal.
English Book: NIFT TCDA
- Work through sample papers from the last ten or so years and NIFT questions from prior years.
- To succeed, you must finish as many sample papers as you can. To evaluate your progress, you can also finish a sample paper three or four times.
Candidates assert that word meanings can be repeated even though there is a very small chance that the same question will appear twice in the NIFT entrance exam. Candidates assert that word meanings can be repeated even though there is a very small chance that the same question will appear twice in the NIFT entrance exam. The candidate will greatly benefit if they carefully practise the words from those paragraphs.
Practice exams are based on the LearnX Mock Test Series books.
NIFT Alumni Series of Mock Exams Making a note Making the habit of taking notes is just as important as studying from the best books and finishing practise exams.
Write down everything that stands out or causes concern. This notebook will serve as a quick revision guide in the future.
In conclusion:
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